Website Design and e-Commerce Services

Simply Works, LLC is a full-featured Internet development company, focusing on business solutions. We realize that web development isn’t just about implementing the latest technology, its about utilizing the right technology in the best manner possible to achieve your business goals. A flashy website is of no use to a business if it fails to attract customers, make sales, or if it costs so much to maintain that all your profits are siphoned away. By focusing on the business needs, and the bottom line, we are able to select the best technology required to meet your needs in an efficient and cost-effective manner.

But we don’t stop there. Technology solutions are only solutions if you can use them. We make sure that what we develop not only solves your business needs, but that you can use it without needing a web developer to make routine updates for you. You need to focus building your business, not maintaining the technology!

Our goal is to offer complete solutions, and to that end, we provide a full host of services, from initial website creation, to traffic generation, to customer re-activation. Below is a list of some of those comprehensive services that we utilize in the development of those solutions.

Core Services

Custom Website Design / Redesign

Your business’s website plays a crucial role in leaving a lasting impression on potential customers.

  1. Uniqueness Matters: Your business is unique, and your website should reflect that. A distinctive website helps you stand out and create a positive impression.
  2. User Perception: People judge websites based on their experience with other sites. A well-presented site tends to rank higher in user trust and credibility.
  3. Customization: Whether you’re launching a new site or revamping an existing one, we’ll work with you to create a unique website tailored to your business. This includes maintaining a consistent brand image, ensuring easy navigation, and intuitive content structure.
  4. Technical Excellence: Beyond aesthetics, we ensure that your website is well-structured, and easy to maintain. Compatibility testing across browsers ensures a seamless experience for visitors.
  5. Versatility: Whether you need a blog, e-commerce site, corporate identity platform, discussion forum, personal website, or any combination, we’re here to make it happen!

Remember, your website is often the first interaction users have with your brand, so making it exceptional is essential!

E-Commerce Design and Development

Whether you are selling a single product or service, or an entire catalog of products with complex shipping requirements, inventory control monitoring and multiple payment gateways, we can help.

With experience implementing and maintaining major e-Commerce solutions, we will work with you to create a customized shopping experience for your customers, incorporating a custom design, well structured layout, and search engine optimized programming. We also assist with the installation and configuration of:

  • Merchant Accounts / Payment Gateways
  • SSL Encryption
  • Order Fulfillment
  • Digital Media distribution
  • Shipping Calculations
  • Affiliate Networks

Ad / Pay-per-click Management

Beyond organic traffic, Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is a powerful tool to attract visitors and potential clients to your website. However, effective PPC requires ongoing monitoring and testing.

Key considerations:

  • Compelling Ad Content: Craft enticing ad copy that encourages searchers to click and explore your site.
  • Split Testing: Evaluate ad performance relative to each other through split testing. Small adjustments, like word placement, can significantly impact click-through rates.

Our expertise lies in optimizing your advertising budget. We continuously refine ads, landing pages, and target keywords to maximize your investment.

Search Engine Optimization & Traffic Generation

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the visibility of a web site or a web page in search engines via the “natural” or un-paid (“organic”) search results. The better ranked your site is in the search engine listings, the more traffic your site gets and the more potential clients that see your site.

SEO is not normally a separate component of web development since it requires that sound development principles be utilized through the entire process beginning with software selection, template design and content creation. However, there are many tasks which are contained under the SEO umbrella that are not related to site development. SEO is not a one-shot deal, it is an ongoing process. Links must be built over time and content added in an ongoing fashion to continue to build SE rankings. That said, there are several areas that can be addressed that will have a positive effect on SE rankings.

Custom Software Development

While off-the-shelf programs are cost effective alternatives to building sites from scratch, sometimes it’s necessary to build it yourself. If you need a custom application built, we will work with you to design, develop, test and deploy your new application.

With extensive experience in application design and development, we will work with you to select the right development environment for the job, create details design definitions, program and thoroughly test your new application. When YOU are satisfied, we will deploy your application, making sure that your visitors’ first impression is exceptional.

Social Media Management

Today, social media is the one area with the largest marketing potential. If properly implemented, these social gathering areas can become a huge source of traffic, far surpassing organic search-engine traffic. To ensure your success in the Social Media arena, we focus on providing your business with the tools required, including account set-up on popular Social Media Sites, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc. We customize your social profiles to ensure consistent branding of your site across the multiple platforms, working to always present a consistent image of your business.

We focus on helping you develop parallel marketing channels to drive content to all your social media accounts, focusing on conversations and engagement, as well as traditional educational content.

Website Maintenance

So you have your new, or new and improved, website – now what?

Our Website Maintenance plans are designed to give you the security you desire for your business’ website, while adding cost-effective development support for general maintenance and on-going development.

Our Maintenance service includes:

  • Weekly back-ups of programs and data to an offsite location (prevents site lose if the server fails)
  • Upgrades to site software, including CMS and plug-in software
  • Configurations and corrections as required by new software
  • Any data/source restores required by server failure/data lose (site recovery in the event of a host failure, user deletion, etc.)
  • Routine database management – including table optimization and repair
  • Site security monitoring – detection of unauthorized software additions and software changes indicative of site hacking
  • Site recovery associated with any unauthorized site modification – i.e. Site hacking
  • Development Time (optional) – a pool of development hours that can be used however you need them – ensuring a developer familiar with YOUR site is available when you need them.

All for one FIXED monthly cost.

E-mail Marketing

Staying in contact with your visitors is essential. One of the best methods to do this is through well structured email marketing campaigns. We can:

Our Website Maintenance plans are designed to give you the security you desire for your business’ website, while adding cost-effective development support for general maintenance and on-going development.

Our Maintenance service includes:

  • Set up your email marketing system, be it an internal system or one hosted by a third-party (i.e. AWeber, iContact, Constant Contact, etc)
  • Design email templates for a consistent company image and brand
  • Configure Auto-responder lists
  • Deploy Sign-up forms
  • Implement ‘ethical bribes’ (i.e. Free pdf reports etc).
  • Implement Newsletters
  • And much more…

Delivering Solutions, not Surprises!

We never lose focus of your bottom-line while we focus on meeting your business goals

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