Dr. Ronald Whitmont

Project Details

Dr. Ronald Whitmont’s project was focused on rebuilding an existing website to modernize the architecture to allow a better mobile experience.  The general look and feel of the site was maintained, but re-coded on a new mobile-friendly framework.

The project included the basic eCommerce functionality to support a handful of products.  Additionally, it was integrated with Constant Contact, an email marketing system, to support newsletter signups.

A full analytics and security package was implemented as well to track traffic on the site as well as to protect from intruders and general hacking attempts.

Dr. Whitmont is an ongoing client and participates in our site maintenance program.

Screen Shots

Client Details

Dr. Whitmont is a holistically oriented physician. He was trained and Board Certified in Internal Medicine in 1995, 2012 and Holistic Medicine in 2000. His office is located in Rhinebeck, New York and his practice emphasizes a rational approach to restoring and maintaining health through safe, effective and gentle means. Dr. Whitmont utilizes homeopathic medicines through a classical system of medical therapeutics.

  • Current Client

  • Website Maintenance Program Participant

  • Dr. Whitmont has been a client since 2012



“Great work Ron! This looks good!”

~ Dr. Whitmont

Delivering Solutions, not Surprises!

Web development isn’t just about implementing the latest technology, its about utilizing the right technology