David L. Deutsch

Project Details

This David L. Deutsch project was the second project performed for them.  The first was a hacking rescue – regaining control of their hacked website and removing all the corrupted programming.

This project focused on modernizing their website, making it mobile-friendly, and moving it to a platform that enabled their staff to manage the content themselves especially as it pertains to maintaining the site’s blog component.

The site was developed based off from content in a prior website, but on a new framework.  The original content was rewritten and augmented as appropriate.

David L. Deutsch is an ongoing client and participates in our site maintenance program.

Screen Shots

Client Details

David L. Deutsch is a world-renowned direct response copywriter, marketing strategist, author, and copywriting coach. In addition to creating winning promotions from scratch, he often works with clients and writers behind the scenes to turn under-performing promotions into winners.

David started at Ogilvy & Mather on Madison Avenue, working with clients such as Merrill LynchGeneral Foodsand American Express.

  • Current Client

  • Website Maintenance Program Participant

  • David L. Deutsch has been a client since 2017



“Love your practical, well-grounded thinking, Thanks!”

“It’s magnitudes better [new site] than the old site!”

~ David L. Deutsch

Delivering Solutions, not Surprises!

Web development isn’t just about implementing the latest technology, its about utilizing the right technology